One doesn't get a candida overgrowth overnight. The stage has to be set for this to happen and then it can take years for the candida (yeast) to overgrow their bounds and be the lynchpin for a variety of health problems.
And these aren't minor problems we're talking about! Here are just a few examples:
The thing is -- everything in the body is connected. All the body's systems (like digestion/elimination, circulatory, nervous, and endocrine/hormonal) not only work together -- they are interlinking and interdependent. They help and depend on each other. If one system gets compromised or overwrought, then it can affect the rest of the body.
This is why a variety of symptoms can be present that are seemingly unrelated. Symptoms like brain fog, fatigue, constipation, joint pain, and insomnia.
Here's an example: if a candida overgrowth leads to a leaky gut (which it usually does) and a decreased ability to digest food, then many nutrients wouldn't be available for the body to use due to inability to digest or absorb them. Nutrients like the B vitamins (important for the nervous system and just about everything else too) wouldn't be available to help the brain neurotransmitters do their work and help you with your mood, energy, stress, and many other things. And enough protein wouldn't be available to make hormones, connective tissue, and just about everything else in the body.
One thing that we forget is that EACH NUTRIENT in the body has many different roles. Each amino acid (the building blocks of protein), for example, has about five really important functions -- in different seemingly unrelated places in the body.
But here's the thing. An overgrowth in the gut can start small. There might just be a few more tired days, a headache here and there, a little indigestion that gets worse, some annoying constipation, and a few more colds and flus than usual. But over time, these small things will build up and lead to bigger things. That's why we need to pay attention when the seemingly small symptoms show up. With something like indigestion, for example, that our society treats as a fairly minor disturbance to be brushed off with an antacid, it's a sign that there's is a big problem going on with digestion in some way.
Fatigue is another symptom that gets brushed off, yet it's a very real warning sign for any number of health problems.
Then before you know it, one thing leads to another. A loss of nutrients over time leads to decreased functioning in the gut (the GI tract), brain, nervous system, hormones, and on and on. Even the decrease of one nutrient (like a vitamin or mineral) can have widespread effects because of the interconnectivity of the body's functions.
Take magnesium (a mineral) for example. It has an important role in the nervous system and brain, but is also important in the muscles and skeletal system -- for muscle contraction/relaxation and forming new bone. It's also essential for adrenal function (energy and stress). If there is a loss of magnesium, then all kinds of things can get compromised up in the body. And this is just one example.
So when you read that a candida overgrowth can lead to a very long list of symptoms and problems, this is why. If it compromised just 5 or 10 different nutrients alone, just that would have a far-reaching affect to every part of the body.
It's no mistake that some of our earliest medical systems, like Ayurvedic medicine, focus on all things around the digestion. If our digestion isn't working, lots of other things in the body don't work well either. It's the cornerstone to good health.
Of course, our bodies are miraculous in their ability to put back-up systems into place and just plain do without. But while they're doing without, they're limping along with depression, anxiety, less immune ability, less hormones, less ability to have good moods and relax, and less ability to even have energy. This is just the way it goes. It's a trade off. The heart and brain get to keep working, and the blood keeps circulating -- against all the odds -- while all the lesser functions get put on hold, like the ability to feel happy or relaxed or energetic.
But year after year, if this compromised situation is allowed to grow and flourish (i.e., the candida overgrowth proceeds unchecked), then some bigger health problems start to show up -- like adrenal fatigue, joint pains, very low energy, depression, insomnia, frequent yeast infections, other aches and pains, thyroid problems, and brain fog. By the way, if you noticed that this collection of symptoms is looks a lot like the symptoms called Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome -- you'd be right. These are also common symptoms for autoimmune disorders.
Then other things get worse: fatigue turns into exhaustion, a few food allergies turn into multiple chemical sensitivities, and a compromised immune system turns into an autoimmune disorder -- with more and more symptoms encompassing every system in the body.
During all this, the liver is quite overloaded in it's attempt to filter the invaders and help the immune system get out the widespread invaders -- those yeast that have since spilled out of the gut (through a "leaky gut") into other parts of the body. Then the immune system starts getting worn out. Here's where autoimmune problems start showing up.
Then when you finally go to get help for the array of symptoms, some of which are starting to cause real problems -- like fatigue, insomnia, allergies, some kind of body or joint pain, and the increasing inability to function very well at all -- the standard medical practice is to give medications for the worst symptoms. These medications (drugs) then cause their own array of side effects and symptoms,which not only begins to contort the original picture by adding NEW miseries, they actually overload your liver even further (the liver screens all substances).
This attempt to get help of this kind from the medical system just marches you down the road to even worse health. It's well meaning, but incomplete, only because the SOURCE of the problem has not been addressed -- the gut. The gut and intestines need to be rebalanced by first getting rid of the yeast overgrowth with a three-pronged anti-fungal program.
So, how do we know that a candida overgrowth, over time, can actually cause all these problems? The way we know is because many many people everywhere have cured these and other horrendous diseases (deemed incurable by unknowing doctors and practitioners) starting with a candida program, and documenting it -- by writing books, and speaking out, and helping others. There's a revolution going on!
People are taking back their health from the use or overuse of antibiotics, eating too much sugar, taking birth control pills or steroids, too many flours and starches, and a society that looks upon high stress as a badge of honor. And it's about time we take back our health, don't you think?
So, as you're attempting to figure out your health situation, start with the first step in what will really get you back on the road to health in the long run -- an anti-fungal program.
--Adele Sonora
And these aren't minor problems we're talking about! Here are just a few examples:
- autoimmune disorders like multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and Hashimoto's
- adrenal fatigue or worse yet, adrenal exhaustion
- migraines or any kind of body or joint pain
- hormone imbalances that affect many other things, like fertility
- nutrient deficiencies that affect many other things
- mood disorders like depression and anxiety
- severe food and other allergies, or MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivities)
The thing is -- everything in the body is connected. All the body's systems (like digestion/elimination, circulatory, nervous, and endocrine/hormonal) not only work together -- they are interlinking and interdependent. They help and depend on each other. If one system gets compromised or overwrought, then it can affect the rest of the body.
This is why a variety of symptoms can be present that are seemingly unrelated. Symptoms like brain fog, fatigue, constipation, joint pain, and insomnia.
Here's an example: if a candida overgrowth leads to a leaky gut (which it usually does) and a decreased ability to digest food, then many nutrients wouldn't be available for the body to use due to inability to digest or absorb them. Nutrients like the B vitamins (important for the nervous system and just about everything else too) wouldn't be available to help the brain neurotransmitters do their work and help you with your mood, energy, stress, and many other things. And enough protein wouldn't be available to make hormones, connective tissue, and just about everything else in the body.
One thing that we forget is that EACH NUTRIENT in the body has many different roles. Each amino acid (the building blocks of protein), for example, has about five really important functions -- in different seemingly unrelated places in the body.
But here's the thing. An overgrowth in the gut can start small. There might just be a few more tired days, a headache here and there, a little indigestion that gets worse, some annoying constipation, and a few more colds and flus than usual. But over time, these small things will build up and lead to bigger things. That's why we need to pay attention when the seemingly small symptoms show up. With something like indigestion, for example, that our society treats as a fairly minor disturbance to be brushed off with an antacid, it's a sign that there's is a big problem going on with digestion in some way.
Fatigue is another symptom that gets brushed off, yet it's a very real warning sign for any number of health problems.
Then before you know it, one thing leads to another. A loss of nutrients over time leads to decreased functioning in the gut (the GI tract), brain, nervous system, hormones, and on and on. Even the decrease of one nutrient (like a vitamin or mineral) can have widespread effects because of the interconnectivity of the body's functions.
Take magnesium (a mineral) for example. It has an important role in the nervous system and brain, but is also important in the muscles and skeletal system -- for muscle contraction/relaxation and forming new bone. It's also essential for adrenal function (energy and stress). If there is a loss of magnesium, then all kinds of things can get compromised up in the body. And this is just one example.
So when you read that a candida overgrowth can lead to a very long list of symptoms and problems, this is why. If it compromised just 5 or 10 different nutrients alone, just that would have a far-reaching affect to every part of the body.
It's no mistake that some of our earliest medical systems, like Ayurvedic medicine, focus on all things around the digestion. If our digestion isn't working, lots of other things in the body don't work well either. It's the cornerstone to good health.
Of course, our bodies are miraculous in their ability to put back-up systems into place and just plain do without. But while they're doing without, they're limping along with depression, anxiety, less immune ability, less hormones, less ability to have good moods and relax, and less ability to even have energy. This is just the way it goes. It's a trade off. The heart and brain get to keep working, and the blood keeps circulating -- against all the odds -- while all the lesser functions get put on hold, like the ability to feel happy or relaxed or energetic.
But year after year, if this compromised situation is allowed to grow and flourish (i.e., the candida overgrowth proceeds unchecked), then some bigger health problems start to show up -- like adrenal fatigue, joint pains, very low energy, depression, insomnia, frequent yeast infections, other aches and pains, thyroid problems, and brain fog. By the way, if you noticed that this collection of symptoms is looks a lot like the symptoms called Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome -- you'd be right. These are also common symptoms for autoimmune disorders.
Then other things get worse: fatigue turns into exhaustion, a few food allergies turn into multiple chemical sensitivities, and a compromised immune system turns into an autoimmune disorder -- with more and more symptoms encompassing every system in the body.
During all this, the liver is quite overloaded in it's attempt to filter the invaders and help the immune system get out the widespread invaders -- those yeast that have since spilled out of the gut (through a "leaky gut") into other parts of the body. Then the immune system starts getting worn out. Here's where autoimmune problems start showing up.
Then when you finally go to get help for the array of symptoms, some of which are starting to cause real problems -- like fatigue, insomnia, allergies, some kind of body or joint pain, and the increasing inability to function very well at all -- the standard medical practice is to give medications for the worst symptoms. These medications (drugs) then cause their own array of side effects and symptoms,which not only begins to contort the original picture by adding NEW miseries, they actually overload your liver even further (the liver screens all substances).
This attempt to get help of this kind from the medical system just marches you down the road to even worse health. It's well meaning, but incomplete, only because the SOURCE of the problem has not been addressed -- the gut. The gut and intestines need to be rebalanced by first getting rid of the yeast overgrowth with a three-pronged anti-fungal program.
So, how do we know that a candida overgrowth, over time, can actually cause all these problems? The way we know is because many many people everywhere have cured these and other horrendous diseases (deemed incurable by unknowing doctors and practitioners) starting with a candida program, and documenting it -- by writing books, and speaking out, and helping others. There's a revolution going on!
People are taking back their health from the use or overuse of antibiotics, eating too much sugar, taking birth control pills or steroids, too many flours and starches, and a society that looks upon high stress as a badge of honor. And it's about time we take back our health, don't you think?
So, as you're attempting to figure out your health situation, start with the first step in what will really get you back on the road to health in the long run -- an anti-fungal program.
--Adele Sonora
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